Listen to the voices in your head.
What do you see?
What do you hear?
Do you see your Maker?
Do you hear His voice?
Let him speak.
Listen to Him sing over you. He sings songs of
and purifying forgiveness.
He says, "I love you."
He says, "Do not worry."
Do you love Him?
Does your heart yearn for Him?
Do you ache for His touch?
Do you fear being far from Him?
He has never left you.
He has promised that He will never ever leave your side.
Do you hear that?
Even in His anger, His jealousy, and His wrath...
the God of everything has
and love everlasting.
He never breaks His promise.
He always loves you.
It's not about what you have done.
It's not about anything you could ever say.
He loves you simply because He loves you.
He knows every part of you. He knows all your
and deepest, darkest hurts.
He is the crafter of your heart;
The very heart that beats inside of you which keeps you
b r e a t h i n g,
m o v i n g,
l i v i n g.
He desires your heart. But it's your choice to love him.
It's your choice to let him f l i p your whole world upside down.
It's your choice to step into the best adventure of your life.
He gives you life, identity, and love in all the purest forms.
When you seek these things elsewhere, you find them i n c o m p l e t e.
But God holds all things in their proper time and place.
He holds you in the proper place.
He desires to use you for what you were created to do.
He desires to draw out your passions and use you to
Let the Holy Spirit move you to compassion.
You are precious.
You are treasured.
You are valued.
And you make a difference.
Do you believe that?
Do you see what God has done for you?
He has redeemed you.
He has given you freedom.
He has taught you what Love is, and shown you how to live Love.
Let Him move you.
Let what He has done for you reflect onto others.
Love, because he first loved you.
{1 John 4:19}
Very well-written, very inspiring :)